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Antiracist and Culturally Responsive Facilitation for Youth Workers

This workshop is specifically geared towards counselors, educators, and other professionals who work in youth serving organizations and are engaging with diverse youth.

This workshop will provide resources, tools, and strategies to actively be culturally responsive and equitable in our respective spaces. We will be cover baseline definitions, as well as engage in hands-on activities around anti-oppression; such as role playing and conversations based on theory content.

This workshop will open up learning opportunities, conversations, and personal and community reflections around equity, diversity, and inclusion of oppressed intersectional populations.

We will directly address how to approach various situations in ways that minimize harm, as well as think through strategies that can help people internally educate themselves.

During this workshop, participants will:
- Learn a baseline of anti-oppression definitions.
- Understand the difference between equality vs equity and how to bring this into our youth spaces.
- Gain tools and resources to create and facilitate a more equitable and culturally responsive environment for youth.

Teal Farías

Teal Farías is a queer Mexican community organizer that uses performance arts as a canvas for social justice. They have been involved in anti-oppression work with youth for over a decade and are constantly working on community connectedness and growth.

RSVP Required
Type of Event: 
CE Credits Provided: 
2 CEUs
Date & Time: 
Thursday, August 22, 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm