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Workforce Resources

Workforce Survey

NAATP is aware of critical issues our field currently faces with recruiting and retaining qualified staff, and how these challenges are amplified with the emergence of the Omicron Variant. NAATP is working with our Board, member CEOs, related associations, and staffing HR experts to develop additional resources our members can use as they work to maintain full operation, and recruit and retain staff to deliver lifesaving services.

To help us better understand the unique needs and challenges faced by our members, please take a few minutes to respond to this 4-question survey. Responses will be used to help guide our efforts, advocate for our members, and develop resources that best address the needs of our members and the field.


Job Center

A hub for current addiction treatment job openings throughout the United States. NAATP members represent the continuum of addiction treatment care services, from intervention to detox, primary care, extended care, sober living, and long-term fellowship and peer support.

View and Post Available Jobs

Salary Survey

The NAATP Salary Survey helps our national treatment provider community create fair compensation packages, recruit and keep competent staff, and manage the budget. The 2020 report is now available for free to current NAATP Members, non-members can purchase the report for $2,500. The data collection for the next report has begun. Contact for more information. 

Member-only access to Salary Survey


In response to ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining staff at all levels amid workforce demands, NAATP is provided two webinars in March focused on staffing and strategies to find and keep quality employees.

Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School

The National Association and Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School agreed to a joint initiative to provide scholarships to employees of NAATP Provider Members. Hazelden Betty Ford will offer a $10,000 scholarship to employees of NAATP Member facilities who enroll in a degree program or $500 off three-credit courses at the Graduate School. When applying, please reference employment at a NAATP Member facility. Your employment status will need to be confirmed, as will your employer’s membership with The National Association.

Learn more about Graduate Program