Board of Directors
Executive Committee

Board Members

The NAATP Board of Directors serves as the association's governing body providing oversight and vision for the association. Board members serve without compensation as association volunteers. Board members further support the organization by assuming their NAATP related expenses and supporting NAATP activities as sponsors.
The NAATP Board is comprised of 22 – 25 members of which 20 must be chief staff executives (CEO, President, Executive Director) of an addiction treatment provider. Board members serve three-year terms and may be eligible for additional terms. Elections are held each March.
NAATP Board members are elected by the NAATP Provider Members from a slate of candidates presented by the NAATP Nominations Committee. Candidates are considered for service based on their education, training, experience, expertise, and understanding of the NAATP mission and values.
Interested individuals may be considered for service on the NAATP Board by completing the application below and submitting therewith a Letter of Interest (not to exceed two pages and a Curriculum Vitae or Resume. Please send all completed information to [email protected].
Application for NAATP Board of Directors
NAATP Committees
NAATP has five standing committees, one special standing committee, and rotating ad-hoc advisory committees. The majority of our standing committees consist of board members only. Nominations and Elections, Membership, and Conference Committees include limited non-board member seats. Interested individuals may be considered for committee work by submitting a Letter of Interest and a Resume to [email protected] but please understand the finite availability of seats.