Dec 21, 2016
Director’s Year-End Message
2016: A Year of Progress & Positioning
2016 was a remarkable year for The National Association and the addiction treatment provider field. At the new NAATP National Headquarters in Denver, in NAATP’s 38th year, we completed our association revitalization with a new brand, new strategic plan, new staff, new website, and the launch of numerous member service programs including the following:
- The National Addiction Industry Directory
- The NAATP Ethics Code and Violations Program
- The Treatment Outcomes Pilot Program
- The Salary Survey
- The Resource Center
- The Public Policy Program
- addictionLEADER, the Newsletter of NAATP
Systemically, our field made tremendous advances in law and public policy through ACA and Medicaid Expansion, MHPAEA parity implementation and enforcement in the White House Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force Report, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), the 21st Century CURES Bill, and the landmark federal report: Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health.
These are remarkable advances in terms of society’s recognition of addiction as a health care matter, and policy-makers’ willingness to act. They provide the service provider with real tools. Rarely, if ever, have we seen this quantity and quality of addiction service public policy. This, combined with NAATP’s resurgence and effectiveness, has the field of addiction treatment poised for progress and effectiveness.
There is much for which to be grateful as we end 2016. But of course, we know things may be changing politically in the new year and the future of our progress is uncertain. It is difficult in such times to assess our trajectory. It is worth noting however, that so much of the substance use disorder policy made in 2016 was accomplished with overwhelming bipartisan support.
Additionally, we at NAATP want you to be assured that we stand ready, as our field’s trade association and policy voice, to work for you and with you in 2017. As a unified voice, we will continue to be effective for the millions who suffer from addiction. Thank you for being part of the solution.
Read the NAATP Director’s Article on the Trajectory of the Addiction Provider Field