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2020 NAATP Highlights

Our team here at NAATP is guided by gratitude, hope, and positivity as we prepare to begin a new year and reflect on our accomplishments in 2020. Today, we are proud to share with you our 2020 NAATP Highlights as it reflects our team's hard work throughout this challenging year.

NAATP Members

The continued growth of our Membership through this year demonstrates NAATP's relevance and commitment to enhancing our members' ability to provide high-quality, evidence-based services and support in becoming successful and profitable addiction treatment leaders. 

The NAATP Foundation

The NAATP Foundation of Recovery Science and Education was formed in 2020 to improve access to treatment, equity in service, and addiction recovery outcomes through collaborative quality improvement, research, and educational programs. The Foundation has developed a national Outcomes and Measures Program to examine the impact and value of addiction treatment services.

Salary Survey

The biennial Salary Survey was released in October, and a total of 141 facilities participated in the 2020 report. This report was expanded to include additional information regarding facility capacity, parental leave, benefits by staff type, and salary distributions.

The Association Blog 

Released in December, The Association Blog replaces NAATP's quarterly newsletter, addictionLEADER, and serves as a space for facilitating discourse, sharing resources, and advocating best practices to move addiction treatment and recovery forward. 

DEI Program & Advisory Committee

In response to the historic and ongoing systemic racism and discrimination that profoundly impact the addiction treatment field, NAATP staff and board members began work in July on a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan guided by the principles of self-examination, elevating voices of people of color, and raising awareness to transform the field.

Videos & Podcasts

The NAATP website has become a hub for our members, the field at large, and the public to access up-to-date resources, news, and events. In August we created our brand-new Videos & Podcasts section where you can listen to leading experts in the addiction field talk about outcomes measures, members highlighting their treatment centers, and more.

Webinar Series

Continuing in its third year, the NAATP Webinar Series continued to provide presentations by industry experts on key topics in addiction treatment. In 2020, webinars focused on critical topics such as COVID-19, organizational leadership, and public policy. 

State Advocacy Toolkit

NAATP developed the State Advocacy Toolkit in July to support our members in the implementation of effective state legislative advocacy initiatives and the development of state hill days.

COVID-19 Resources and Impact Survey

We are committed to providing support and guidance to our members through the COVID-19 global pandemic. Starting in March, we prepared a Special Webinar Series and Resource Page to guide our members and the field through this difficult time. In September we released results from the Treatment Provider COVID Impact Survey in an effort to better understand the impacts of COVID on our membership, and more effectively advocate for continued relief for the SUD treatment field.

Dr. Annie Peters

We were pleased to welcome our newest staff member to the NAATP team in April. Dr. Annie Peters, formerly the Chief Clinical Officer of member organization Harmony Foundation, joined our team as Director of Research and Education. Dr. Peters possesses a rare combination of scientific acumen, clinical experience, and a core understanding of the disease of substance use disorder. She will lead the national effort to further understand this disease through scientific research and create treatment solutions for those who suffer from it.

Membership Month

In May we celebrated Membership Month at NAATP! Appreciation for and connection to our members was the focus. Our team connected with our members and asked about the value and importance of their NAATP Membership in order to gain insight into how their organizations are adapting to COVID-19.

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