Ritz Recovery Accredited

Ritz Recovery LA luxury inpatient rehab centers offer comprehensive treatment options and support. Get customized rehab programs tailored to you or your loved one’s unique needs. Discover the best options for duel diagnosis substance abuse with proven results in Los Angeles. Call or Fill out our confidential contact form to start your road to recovery today with Ritz Recovery.
At Ritz Recovery, our goal is clear: equip our clients with the essential tools they need to address their addiction directly and foster healing in both mind and spirit. Our team is deeply committed to supporting individuals through their most challenging times with proven, evidence-based therapeutic approaches.
The recovery path differs for each individual, which is why we’ve carefully chosen a team of experts capable of offering a diverse range of treatments at our luxurious drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. These treatments include behavioral therapy, holistic therapy, trauma-informed care, mental health services, and medication-assisted treatment, all tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.
Department of Health Care Services