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DBT Skills for Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis

When: Thursday, May 14 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenter: Dr. Annie Peters, NAATP



People who work in the addiction treatment field are often drawn to the work because we care deeply about individuals with substance use and mental health disorders. We regularly hear stories of personal trauma and tragedy and see people at perhaps the worst moments in their lives. Clinical staff, support staff, and leaders alike often struggle with compassion fatigue, many to the point of exhaustion, burnout, and even health and wellness problems. These difficulties are even more salient when the organization is experiencing a crisis or potentially traumatic circumstances. By applying best practices, shared ethical values, and even clinical skills to leadership and supervision, we can support our employees and ourselves through crisis situations and stay engaged in our work, maintain positive working relationships, and preserve personal balance and wellness. This presentation explores leadership practices that apply principles and skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to enhance leader and staff self-care and to promote a work environment that is experienced as safe, trusting, mindful, and collaborative.

Details and Registration

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Billing and COVID-19

When: Thursday, May 21 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenters: Ben Dittman, Dean Fitch, Avea Solutions

Recovery Community Organizations and Peer Support at the Federal and Local Level

When: Thursday, May 28 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenter: Philip Rutherford, Faces & Voices of Recovery
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC

All Politics is Ultimately Local: NAATP State Advocacy

When: Wednesday, June 3 | 11:00 am MDT (Tentative)
Presenters: Pamela Rodriguez, TASC, Sherri Layton, La Hacienda Treatment Center

Convening the Voices of the Addiction Treatment Field

When: Thursday, June 11 | 11:00 am MDT (Tentative)
Presenters: Leaders from NAATP, ASAM, NCBH, Shatterproof, and Faces & Voices of Recovery

Demonstrating Reliability & Trust through Ethics in Management, Clinical, and Marketing Practices

When: Thursday, June 18 | 11:00 am MDT (Tentative)
Presenters: Mark Dunn, NAATP, Scott Munson, Sundown M Ranch, Gary Tennis, NAMSDL

Policy, Power, and Politics: Advancing Your Agenda with Legislators and Regulators

When: Thursday, June 25 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenter: Jason Perillo, High Watch Recovery Center
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC

The NAATP State Advocacy Initiative and Toolkit 

When: Thursday, July 9 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenters: Mark Dunn, Peter Thomas, NAATP, Pamela Rodriguez, TASC

Building Leaders from Within

When: Thursday, July 23  | 11:00 am MDT
PresenterRosecrance Health Network
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC

Employee Training and Retention

When: Thursday, September 24 | 11:00 am MDT
Presenter: Tosha Hershey, Ashley Addiction Treatment
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC

Navigating the New ASAM Levels of Care Certification Program

When: Thursday, October 22 | 11:00 am MDT
PresenterASAM, CARF International
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC

The Art and Science of Personalized Care in Addiction Medicine

When: Thursday, November 19 | 11:00 am MST
​Presenter: Dr. Marvin Seppala, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
★ CE Credits Provided through NAADAC