Association Blog Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in submitting to the NAATP Association Blog! This page is intended to provide basic parameters for your blog post. The purpose of The Association Blog is to serve as a space for “facilitating discourse, sharing resources, and advocating best practices to move addiction treatment and recovery forward.”
NAATP has specific standards around the types of blog post submissions we accept and decline. Editors reserve the right to pass on contributions that do not meet our editorial standards.
Blog Article Length Requirements
- Must be between 1500-2500 words
- May contain no more than 3 images that conform with Royalty Free, Creative Commons, or Copyright Free Image Licensing laws
The Types of Posts We Accept:
- Experiment/Analysis – Have you recently conducted a marketing experiment or delved into data analysis, revealing intriguing insights? Share your findings with us. These articles should feature cited data, actionable insights, and comprehensive explanations of the experiment or analysis process. Readers should gain enough knowledge to replicate your study if desired.
- Authoritative – Offering detailed tactical guidance backed by recent examples, original quotes, graphics, and up-to-date data, these posts equip readers with the tools to implement the discussed topic effectively. By the end of these articles, readers should feel empowered to act with minimal lingering questions.
The Types of Posts We Do Not Accept:
- Anything that's been covered on our blog before. Please do a site search before submitting your articles.
- Anything that's too promotional for your company or organization.
- Anything that's offensive or inaccurate.
- Anything that's overly critical of individuals or companies — this is not a site to air grievances.
All final content decisions are at NAATP’s discretion:
This means NAATP reserves the right to:
- Edit and adapt your guest blog content for search optimization, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and new information as information within the original piece becomes outdated or requires reevaluation.
- Include calls-to-action to NAATP content and offers (e.g., downloadable e-books).
- Use your guest author photo across our content (e.g., on NAATP social media channels and email newsletters).
- Remove the post from the blog.
Submission & Publishing Procedure
Send your edited, draft blog article to [email protected] in a Word document.
Include a brief (100-word) biography and any contact information you may wish to have at the bottom of the blog post along with the article text.
NAATP Staff will notify you via email with a link to the blog post when the article is published on our website.