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NAATP Supports Parity Enforcement

During our annual conference this year, NAATP added a “Hill Day” where 120 members stayed an extra day and met with their US Senators and Representatives in Congress.

At the top of our list of requests was asking Congress to focus on the lack of enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). The response from Congress ranged from being in total agreement that action was necessary to not realizing it was not being adequately enforced. In each case, the message carried by NAATP members was well-received and heard.

In subsequent weeks, several parity bills have been introduced. NAATP supports any effort to push for complete parity implementation and enforcement. The original parity act was passed on a bi-partisan basis and signed by President George W. Bush. That was ten years ago. Full implementation is long overdue. 

One measure introduced on a bi-partisan basis, is the “Parity Enforcement Act,” HB 2848. The bill was introduced by the leaders of the bi-partisan Addiction Task Force, chaired by Congresswoman Ann Kuster and vice-chair Congressman Donald Norcross.

The 120 members who took the NAATP message to Capitol Hill began the discussion.  Now we need your help.

Congress returns from Memorial Day recess now. Please take a few minutes to contact them to encourage their support of HR 2848. We must continue to push for full implementation of this critically important law, which will save countless lives.