Dec 2, 2020
Yesterday the Centers for Disease Control voted on recommendations to the states regarding who should be first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccines once they are distributed. The highest priority was determined to be healthcare providers and residents of long-term facilities.
The CDC recommendations are not binding, and states may change them, however, it is believed that most states will follow the guidelines.
NAATP has been steadfastly working on making certain that SUD workers are recognized as essential health care providers which would make them eligible for early-stage vaccinations. We appreciate the members of Congress who were willing to weigh in supporting our position.
We encourage all members to contact their state authority to encourage them to use the CDC guidelines and designate SUD workers as essential. If your state recognized SUD workers as essential when PPE was distributed early in the pandemic, those same workers should be considered essential health care providers under the distribution guidelines. We also encourage members to consult with their pharmacy providers to make sure enough vaccine doses are ordered.
NAATP appreciates the quick action by the members of Congress who have supported recognizing SUD workers as needing to be among the first to receive the vaccinations.